Christmas Time for Your Furnace and Home

by | Dec 24, 2019 | Uncategorized

Preparations for the holiday season can have you stressed out before you know it. The extra work of cleaning, decorating, entertaining, and keeping the kids busy can be hectic. Take a few moments to relax and breathe easy because your friends at Canal Winchester Heating & Cooling have some great tips to help you make it through the holiday season stress-free and happy: 


Be Aware of Potential Christmas Tree Issues

Some folks put their Christmas tree up as early as October, and it is common these days to leave it up until February. Of course, these are artificial trees, but many people choose to have a live tree. If you choose to display a live holiday tree in your home, you should be aware of some points that can have a significant effect on anyone who lives in or visits your home. Studies have shown that a live tree exponentially increases the number of mold spores inside your home. The average home has 500 to 700 mold spores per cubic meter; a live tree increases this number by up to ten times that number. This can trigger asthma, allergies, and other respiratory conditions, and can cause a condition known as Christmas Tree Syndrome. This is an allergy that the majority of people don’t even realize they have; they dismiss their symptoms as being weather-related. The most common symptoms include: 

• Coughing 

• Itchy, watery eyes 

• Hives/rash 

• Wheezing

 • Chest pain

 • Itchy, runny nose 

• Lethargy 

• Headache 

• Insomnia 

Christmas Tree Syndrome is caused by the excessive number of mold spores and residual pollen in the air inside your home due to the presence of the live tree. If you choose a live tree for the holidays, use a humidifier to keep the mold content down. If your holiday tree will be present for more than a week, it is advisable to choose an artificial tree for a number of health-related reasons

If you decide to have an artificial tree, it must be stored away properly once the holidays are over in order to prevent any health-related issues when it is displayed next Christmas. Artificial trees collect dust, mold spores, etc. while they are on display. Your tree will need to be wiped down thoroughly before being stored. Use a clean, damp cloth and wipe down your tree along with all other decorations that will be stored away. This will ensure that everything will be clean come next decorating season. Pack away your tree in an airtight plastic bin or secured with plastic bags to be stored away. Secure the bags firmly and completely around the tree. Do not re-package the tree in the cardboard box it was purchased in. Cardboard attracts and holds moisture, which permits the growth of mold. When your artificial tree is correctly packed, place it in a humidity-controlled part of your home or storage area to protect it. Place a dehumidifier in the room where your tree will be stored. 


Get the Kids in On the Act

Entertain the kids while you are busy by pre-planning a fun holiday craft project for the days leading up to Christmas Eve. YouTube has some excellent videos for age-appropriate craft ideas. Choose a room or an area of your house and designate this as their personal holiday workshop. Keep all necessary craft supplies stocked in this area inside a tote for convenience. Use a disposable Christmas table cover or festive wrapping paper to cover their work area. They will stay busy and have lots of fun, and the decorations they create will become treasured holiday keepsakes for you. 


Make Your Home Festive and Inviting

If you have put it off until now, call Canal Winchester Heating & Cooling today to schedule your yearly professional HVAC inspection and cleaning. You will know that your HVAC system is in top working order and that the air circulating throughout your home is clean, healthy, and pollutant-free. 


Give Your Furnace a Much-Needed Break 

Give your furnace the gift that will keep on giving by allowing it some time off for the holidays. Treat your family and guests to a festive fire dancing in your fireplace. You don’t have a fireplace? Have Santa bring your family one of the electric heaters that look like a fireplace. Either one will deliver the perfect atmosphere and keep your home warm and inviting while allowing you to turn your thermostat back a little. 


From your friends here at Canal Winchester Heating & Cooling to each and every one of our valued customers, we want to wish you and your loved ones a very happy holiday season. To schedule your HVAC inspection and cleaning or for any other HVAC needs, call us at 614-524-4737 or visit us on the web at Let us make your holiday season, and your entire cold-weather season, warm and cozy.