How Can You Prepare Your HVAC System For Back To School?   

by | Sep 16, 2022 | Air Filter, Air Purifier, Back-to-school, Blog, Canal Winchester, Fall, Fall preparation, HVAC, iWave-R, Ohio, Thermostat, Viruses

Back-to-school season has arrived in Ohio! This time of the year gets really busy for everyone with back-to-school shopping, preparations, and a whole lot of game-planning to make for a smooth school year. Whether you have school-aged children, college kids, or are just commuting to work daily, the fall season and the first weeks of the school year are typically a bit hectic, with everyone adjusting to a new routine. So, Canal Winchester Heating & Cooling wants to make sure you don’t have the additional unnecessary stress added to your plate if your HVAC system suddenly malfunctions out of nowhere.  

Did You Clean the Condensate Drain?  

Air conditioner systems are known to notoriously create condensation drops as they perform their job of providing cool air. To fix this issue and not cause a puddle of condensation chaos, AC systems have a condensation drain installed to guide the condensation away from the unit where it can’t be harmed. But remember – just like most moist spaces create the perfect environment for mold and mildew, the same goes for the condensate drain. Therefore, your furnace will be kicking into gear for the colder months since the summer season is over. So, this means it’s time to clean out the condensation drain! You can achieve this by pouring a mixture of bleach and water down the drain to kill and prevent unwanted bacteria or mold growth. This, of course, will also assist in clearing the drain of any loose debris and dust buildup.  

Did You Clean the Area Around the Compressor?  

Your outdoor unit, also known as the compressor, is prone to having plant vegetation and weeds growing around it. Because of this, our NATE-certified technicians recommend that homeowners keep the area around the compressor clear of any plant growth and outdoor items that could potentially cause obstructions and issues for your unit. Unfortunately, it’s not impossible that some weeds and plant growth sprouted toward the end of the summer without you noticing. So, it would not be a bad idea to perform a quick inspection of the compressor’s vicinity to ensure nothing is growing around the unit or has fallen over it. Otherwise, it could be detrimental to your system. You can prevent this by removing weeds, loose leaves, or debris from the area. In addition, any outdoor items should be at least 3 feet away from the compressor.  

Did You Change the Air Filter on Your Unit?  

Seasoned homeowners know all too well how keeping a clean air filter is of the utmost importance. However, filthy air filters can decrease the system’s effectiveness, leading to costly repairs and higher monthly energy bills. In addition, an overloaded air filter can also spark issues for your system. As a result, your system’s lifespan will be reduced, and you may have to look for replacement options a lot sooner than you initially planned.   

Did You Schedule Your Fall Maintenance Check with Us?  

Don’t forget about your furnace’s fall tune-up & safety check! Preventative maintenance goes a long way in maximizing your HVAC system’s lifespan. Just like you take your vehicle into the car shop regularly to get checked and be serviced, you also want to do the same for your furnace. With the warmer months now over, you will soon need to use your furnace a lot more. Therefore, it’s vital to have a NATE-certified technician inspect your unit and guarantee everything is running as it should be. Call us today, and we will get you squared away!  

Take note that practicing preventative maintenance can go a long way in keeping your system running efficiently. Our trained technicians know how to spot underlying issues and rectify them before they become huge headaches. So, call Canal Winchester Heating & Cooling and give us a chance. You can reach us at (614) 524-4737, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! Lastly, we wish you the very best school year!