4 Reasons Why Canal Winchester, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September  

by | Sep 1, 2024 | Fall Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter

Getting your furnace serviced in September is a smart move for a bunch of reasons—think weather, timing, the upcoming season, and, of course, safety. Here at Canal Winchester Heating & Cooling, we want to ensure you’re fully prepared for fall and ready to tackle winter. Without a safety check and tune-up, you might miss underlying issues with your furnace just when you need it most! Let’s dive into the four compelling reasons why tuning up your furnace this September is a fantastic idea! 

Reason Number 1: The Weather Is Great for a Fall Tune-up   

You might be wondering, “Why September?” Well, it’s actually the perfect time to get your furnace tuned up! Industry experts suggest having your furnace checked before its first use of the season. For most of us, that means scheduling this essential service at the end of summer or the start of fall. And guess what? In 2024, fall officially kicks off on September 22nd! So, let’s get ahead of the game and ensure your furnace is ready to keep you cozy as the temperatures drop! 

Don’t forget, when you schedule your furnace service, it will need to be turned off so our technicians can conduct a safe and thorough inspection. This month is the perfect time for HVAC service—let’s ensure your system is ready to keep you cozy all season long! 

Reason Number 2: It’s the Perfect Time for a Fall a Tune-up   

As the year progresses, HVAC repairs, replacements, and upgrades are in high demand! But here’s the good news: with the fall season upon us, the need for air conditioning drops significantly, making September a less hectic time. What does this mean for you? It means you’ll be at the front of the line to book your appointment! Don’t wait for the last-minute rush—secure your tune-up and safety check today and embrace the season with peace of mind! 

Reason Number 3: Winter is Coming; Book Your Fall Tune-up Now   

Winter, spring, summer, fall… we know the drill! But as the colder months approach, there’s no better time to gear up for winter’s chill. Preparing your heating system now ensures that you’re ready to tackle Ohio’s frosty winters head-on. Just imagine—the last thing you want is for your furnace to act up in the dead of winter, especially when a simple tune-up could have prevented it. So, let’s beat the winter blues together! Book that appointment and stay warm and cozy all season long! 

Reason Number 4: Schedule Your Fall Tune-up Is for Safety Reasons   

Did you know that carbon monoxide poisoning is surprisingly common in winter? With the increased use of furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines, it’s a risk we all need to be aware of. According to the National Safety Council, it’s essential to have your furnace, water heater, or any coal-burning appliance checked by a licensed technician annually. Check out their tips here!  

Neglecting this crucial step could put you, your family, and your home in jeopardy. By staying proactive and scheduling your yearly furnace checkup, you’re not just ensuring warmth during the coldest months; you’re also giving your technician the chance to spot and fix any potential issues before they become serious. Stay safe and cozy this winter! 

In a nutshell, we wholeheartedly believe that scheduling your HVAC fall tune-up in September is the smartest move! But hey, we get it—life can throw us curveballs, and well-intended plans may slip through our fingers. If September passes you by, don’t worry! There’s still plenty of time to get your furnace tuned up in October or early November.  

As a final “bonus” reason, remember that staying on top of your annual furnace maintenance checks not only keeps your system running smoothly but also ensures your manufacturer’s warranty stays valid! If that isn’t an obvious reason to schedule your tune-up, we don’t know what is! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to protect your HVAC investment! 

Call Canal Winchester Heating & Cooling today at (614) 524-4737, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here