Heating Tips for Holiday Parties

by | Dec 10, 2019 | Uncategorized

It’s that time of year again – time for festive get-togethers to celebrate the season. Holiday parties bring everyone closer together to enjoy good times and make great memories. When you are preparing for your holiday party, you will want to make sure that everything is perfect. This includes the atmosphere in your home. With plummeting temperatures chilling everyone to the bone, a warm and welcoming setting will put a smile on everyone’s face. Here are some helpful heating tips to get your home holiday party-ready: 


Close All Unused Rooms 

Your party will take place in specific areas of your home, so it is a good idea to focus on keeping those areas warm and cozy. Close off any rooms in your home that are not going to be used so that heat will be concentrated in the areas where everyone is gathered. This will prevent wasting resources, keep everyone toasty warm, and it will discourage guests from possibly wandering into areas of your home that are private. 

Replace the Air Filter in Your Furnace 

You may have already changed out your furnace is air filter in preparation for Winter; however, if your furnace has already been in use this season, the filter may have already collected pollutants. Even if it doesn’t appear to be excessively dirty, change it anyway to ensure that the warm air being blown into your home is as clean and safe as it can possibly be. Dirt and other potentially harmful debris will be prevented from entering your home by way of your HVAC system. 

Wipe Down and Clear All Heat Gratings and Air Vents 

Use warm, clean water and a disinfecting cleaner to wipe down the air vents and heat gratings in your home. Use a clean, dry cloth to dry them afterward. Ensure that nothing is blocking the airflow from the vents into the room. This will allow the warm air to flow freely and keep the room temperature comfortable, and you will not experience the embarrassment but having party guests discover dust and debris clinging to your vents or areas nearby. 

Warm the Night with a Fire 

A festive fire crackling in your fireplace will create the perfect mood for a holiday get-together. Make sure the fireplace and the surrounding area is perfectly clean. Arrange everything that will be needed to keep the fire burning throughout the evening. Use a protective screen for safety. The temperature will remain just right with a cheery fire burning, so you can decrease your thermostat’s setting a bit. 

Invest in Humidifiers 

Everyone knows that humidifiers work to keep adequate moisture in the air, which makes for easier breathing, but what you may not be aware of is the fact that the moisture also helps to retain heat, keeping your home warm. It also helps to kill airborne bacteria and germs. Place humidifiers throughout your home or invest in a larger home humidifier. You and your family will reap the benefits long after your holiday party is just a happy memory. 

Warm-Up During Party Prep 

On the day of your party, while you are getting everything in order, take the opportunity to turn your thermostat down a few degrees. You will stay warm during your party preparations, organizing, decorating, cooking, and preparing to enjoy the festivities. This is a good opportunity to give your furnace a break, conserve energy, and save a few dollars on your heating bill. 

Let Your Ceiling Fans Help Heat Your Home 

If you set your ceiling fans to ‘Reverse”, they will work to send the rising hot air back down into the room to be circulated throughout your home. The warm air will circulate without becoming cooled off from the fans. This will also make it possible for you to turn your thermostat setting down since the ceiling fans will distribute the warm air throughout your rooms, keeping them warm and inviting. 

Put Space Heaters to Work 

Place small space heaters throughout your home, particularly in larger rooms where your guests may form small groups in quiet areas to chat. Reduce the setting on your thermostat and allow the space heaters to provide a comfortable level of added warmth. Be sure to leave at least three feet of free space on each side of the space heaters for safety. Position them in out-of-the-way areas, and make sure the chords are not exposed so that there is no danger of anyone tripping over them. Do not place your space heaters in high traffic areas. 

Have a Professional HVAC Inspection and Cleaning 

A week or so before your party, contact an HVAC specialist and have a comprehensive inspection and cleaning performed on your system. Ideally, this should be done at the onset of the cold-weather season. An inspection will ensure that your system is working properly and that all components, including air ducts, are clean and free of dust, dirt, and other pollutants. 


The fully trained and licensed HVAC technicians at Canal Winchester Heating and Cooling are happy to help you get your HVAC system winter-weather ready. Give us a call at 614-524-4737 or visit us on the web at https://cwheating.com/schedule-now/ to schedule your inspection and cleaning and ensure that your home will be warm and welcoming throughout the cold weather months.