Why Is My Furnace Not Coming On?

by | Jan 24, 2020 | Uncategorized

The home furnace is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. This remarkable appliance makes it possible for everyone to be warm and comfortable in their homes in cold weather with the simple flip of a switch. But what happens when you flip the switch and your furnace doesn’t come on? It could be a problem that is easy to correct, like an extinguished pilot light, but in other situations, the problem is more intricate and requires the help of a professional HVAC technician. 

Reasons Why Your Furnace Won’t Come On 

The Pilot Light Is Out 

An extinguished pilot light is an easy issue to correct. If this is the reason your furnace isn’t coming on, then all you will have to do is re-light the pilot flame. Be very careful when doing this, the same as with any procedure involving your HVAC system. If you can’t get the flame re-lit or if this doesn’t correct the problem and your furnace still won’t come on, then you will need to call an HVAC professional for help. Your furnace may need its pilot light component replaced. These components are inexpensive and easy to replace, but it is work that has to be done by a professional. Don’t attempt to replace the pilot light component on your own. You may end up doing more damage toy our HVAC system.

The Thermostat Is Damaged/Worn Out

If your furnace isn’t coming on, then you may have a damaged or worn-out thermostat. Older outdated versions of thermostats contain many small wires that control the functions of the furnace. Over time, these wires become old, and they stop working correctly. This is a sure sign that it is time for a new thermostat. Since the defective was most likely an older model, this is the perfect time to give your system an upgrade to a new and more efficient programmable thermostat. These more modern options allow you to control the heat settings even when you are away from home. This means you can save money and be environmentally responsible by lowering the temperature in your house when no one will be home as well as at night when everyone will be warm in their beds. Increase the temperature by a few degrees when everyone is home. A programmable thermostat can be controlled from anywhere via an app that you can download for free onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc. Programmable thermostats are far more effective than older models, and they help to extend the life and maintain the performance of your HVAC system. 


Gas Flow Is Insufficient

You may think it is a smart move to save money and preserve your heating system’s gas supply by limiting the fuel you make available for your furnace. It is not safe to do this. You may save a few dollars on your gas bill, and the gas supply may last a little longer, but a too-low flow of gas means your furnace will have to work harder for a longer period of time to try to warm your home, and this can cause serious damage to your HVAC system. Inadequate gas flow to your furnace also creates a safety hazard for your home and family. Help your furnace to work efficiently and safely by keeping the gas control settings on fully open or fully closed all the time. 


Excessive Condensation

Inside your furnace is a condensation pan. When the reservoir that collects the condensed water in the furnace becomes full, the excess water is collected by the condensation pan. When the pan gets full, your heating system will shut down, and you will not be able to re-start your furnace. The system will need to be inspected by an HVAC professional. The HVAC technician will find the reason for the excessive water condensation issue and make any necessary repairs right away. 


Connectivity Problems

Your furnace may be having trouble starting up or staying on because of a bad electrical connection. An HVAC technician can determine the location of the defective connection and make the necessary repairs or replace the defective part or parts. Don’t ever attempt to fix this type of issue on your own. Problems with electrical wiring can be very dangerous and should only be handled by a licensed HVAC professional. 


Need Help With Your Furnace?

At Canal Winchester Heating & Cooling, we are here to provide you with expert HVAC care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year ensure that your HVAC system is in premium condition and working it’s best to keep your home comfortable. Give us a call at (614) 524-4737 or visit our web page at https://cwheating.com/schedule-now/ and one of our fully trained HVC experts will be on their way to your home to inspect and correct any issues you may be experiencing with your HVAC system.